Showing posts with label Management articles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Management articles. Show all posts

Friday, 6 June 2014


Running a business or a team can not be improvised. Even though many people aspiring chef, and thus control their colleagues, skills and attributes necessary to meet this challenge, are not necessarily in line with the personality and the course of each. Must still match the first job profile! Now, what role does the manager in a company? What skills should you acquire? What are the qualifications, and how to develop? What are the different profiles of our bosses?


 I. The role of responsibility in the company 

The manager's role has evolved in recent years. It only gives more orders his subordinates simply apply without any dispute. He must convince his colleagues of the merits of its decisions, and to endorse his views. It ensures that there is an overall consistency in all actions it undertakes. And mission to accept a certain adaptability and flexibility required for the proper functioning of the company. That is why it must first of all obtain the confidence of his team in order to win the support of the majority. And to establish its legitimacy, esteem him, maturity, a serene and firm stance (not authoritarian) shall be required. But not only. Knowing his colleagues are on the ground to better understand their expectations and difficulties, spend time with them, make sure that everyone stays at full capacity: be pragmatic, seems essential. Because the leader is responsible for the work done, and guarantor of cohesion in the group. This puts great pressure on him. And without some specific skills most leaders, he can not cope with long.

 II. Skills to be acquired 

There are many, here are the ones that come up most often:  - Know identify priorities, focus on key issues (strategic), not to be overwhelmed by the details - to force them to innovate, challenge, not not sit on its laurels, take risks that are inherent in the management function , - do not overestimate their abilities (mental and physical), recognize weaknesses, know how to delegate or outsource, give credit to others for not to leave overwhelmed or exceeded - develop communication with employees, how to manage and avoid conflict, to listen, - to establish a boundary between professional and personal, do not get too dictated by his feelings remain objective , think of the interests of the company (productivity, profitability)  - set clear and specific goals to not lose sight of the purpose of are work  - varying profiles of your staff to promote diversity knowledge, opinions. While the skills, intelligence and talent, but that is not enough. To succeed, these individuals necessarily have something more than the others.

 III. Qualifications, how to develop? 

In order to sustain a leader must have great confidence in him, have excellent mental constitution, and slightly megalomaniac. However, we see that those who are most prone to develop its characteristics, are those who have received in their childhood all the affection and support of their parents. It does not take either the child is too protected, or otherwise suppressed. It must be able to grow and invest in activities that allow them to take responsibility, to take initiatives, to confront others, and through which it can develop its capacity to build support and train its peers toward a common goal. Thus, the education given material effect on the behavior of the adult, and forge the personality of our leaders.

 IV. The different profiles of patrons 

There are different mental structures and various profiles that identify major mental and behavioral tendencies of each individual, and thus discern the personality of our leaders. 

1. 'Classical' profiles  The charismatic leader : This boss knows how to motivate employees and an overall vision. It is hypomanic, and behaves fiery and assured. The leading architect : It focuses on the establishment of effective structures and procedures, lets not look any sense. It merely carry out practical and mechanical operations. 

2. Neurotic profiles They belong to the so-called normal structures: hysterical and obsessive. Hysterical structures : They concern centered on other people, who love to play on seduction seek love and recognition of others to. These individuals tend to defy the ban for attention. They smile easily, positively want to be noticed, and seek to help others. Characteristics that meet more women. They are often found in the fields of communication, entertainment, human resources, business or marketing. Obsessive structures : In this profile, there are people who have a taste for work well done and they spend much of their time. They are conformist, conventional, often authoritarian or brittle. However, they are fairly shy and suffer some difficulty communicating. Thus, they especially fond of professions with little contact such as plant managers, production, engineer, computer, trades where they are really highlighted, and lonely. However, other factors in addition to the creation of a character, such as sex, size, or family background. According to all these problems the leader will have a different way of managing. The small people are more susceptible to recognition and image they projètent other. They are constantly looking for greater challenges. The women, they will often adopt male behaviors (tangibility, aggression) to assert their authority and demonstrate their ability to control as well as their male counterparts. And those from modest family launch the challenge to succeed socially, to get to get important positions of high responsibility or qualification. However, whatever their reason, they look mostly to compensate for their "weakness" they suffered during their childhood, and are mainly attracted by the money and power that confers functions or contractor Director. Now, all these frustrations often give children and adults with a strong character, the most the most difficult of which are found in the category "problem officers". 

3. Profiles bosses problems Paternalistic : It is vital for it to evolve in a group, and to focus on its social life. He feels responsible for his team, and often has trouble making decisions, but does not want to highlight. He talks a lot, flatter and has a habit of interfering in the private lives of its partners. The unfit : He needs security. He flees his responsibilities and confrontation. It does not really trust him. This is why he prefers to stay back and do transpire no emotions or opinions. So be careful with it, and avoid putting in embarrassing situations, the discharge certain responsibilities, and sometimes encourage them to convert or training in management or communication. The Dictator : He likes the recognition and esteem of others. Rather authoritarian, it can be quite aggressive to get what he wants. He can not manage his emotions, and sorely lacking in respect for its stakeholders. Human relationships are not strong! He wants to put forward, totally involved in his work, and assumes all tasks. Thus, it is all the credit. And it is pushy and angry. One is not born a leader, but becomes one. Indeed, if some of us have insurance and charisma that will enable them to enter or win a leadership position, others still have to fight against their shyness and improve their relationship. For is not the leader who wants it, but he who can! A condition of having to find the chemistry between personality inherited from our childhood and capabilities we have developed throughout our journey. However, the mission entrusted requires both to be authoritarian but to listen, to know his employees, while creating a distance not to return to their privacy and remain objective, to excel and to accept its failures. Quite a paradox. Rather than a job, it should be seen as a mission or a vocation which confirm to adulthood.