Showing posts with label interview prepration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label interview prepration. Show all posts

Wednesday, 21 May 2014



You will find here the advice I have gathered for interviews. As the paper was a bit big to be comfortably readable, I broke into pieces:


You triumphed famous first HR dam, you have found a date for the interview, it is now time to prepare yourself mentally and physically. This exercise is also very conventional and better armed happen, otherwise the surprise can be great.
 A typical HR interview, which will measure your motivation and that sort of thing, a typical interview technique (I know especially for engineers, where systematically meeting of team leaders or experts techniques). Some particularly happy conditions (the company is pressed and you are under contract) that can make you chain HR and technical interviews on the same day. I had the opportunity to test it for you, it is clear from 5am maintenance in a state of fairly describable fatigue. Be careful not to crack the end of the day ...

General principles

He must think that an interview is not a time when you play your life. You are there to give you an idea on a box and try to make him understand that you are a good person, interested and professional. It is therefore unnecessary:
  • Sweating like crazy to become red and moist
  • Show your difference at any price you need to be yourself, but not exaggerate
  • Forgetting to sleep for 3 days you may feel stressed but sallow and bags under the eyes, it is not sexy
  • Eating too heavy, too light before: risk of drowsiness or distraction by hunger

Standard questions

One of the great games in the interviews is to ask you to make you talk. In general, the questions are quite open and even if this is not the case, it is better to support and justify their answers rather than respond monosyllabic. HR generally prefer a candidate to be cut from time to time to a candidate who seems terrified and dare not say a word for fear of stupidity out. Here are some questions that you must master.
  • your greatest quality  : Here THE classic HR. On this point, I would advise to stay fairly straightforward, it is useless to invent a story, especially when you risk leaving a grilling inconsistency.The key is to find a quality that suits you and not make you look like proud. If it can be related to the work, it is better. Attention all quality pushed to the extreme is a default, think that you are moderates. You would not treat you that maniac on the pretext that you ordered? Think partially adapt to the company: say that you are curious when we go to work in the defense or that you are a happy nature while you work in banking are perhaps not good ideas.
  • Your biggest flaw  : Without thinking, it follows automatically the first question. Some use a trick "describe what your colleagues think of you" where we must understand quality AND default one question. There, the art will be to find a fault then you minimize to present him as an unstoppable advantage. Demonstration: "I am naturally somewhat ordered because I prefer to have everything available on an idea to note, I am a creative ...". Too big you think? Do worse: "I'm shy, I do not dare to speak at the meeting. This allows me to think before I speak and in fact, the view that I issue are generally relevant and appreciated by my colleagues. " Tested and approved, this stuff works perfectly for the little we have prepared.
After the standard questions, these are some things that must be avoided, even say a little lie.
  • One must never, never, never say that we are asocial who prefers to work alone and hates teamwork. The company is a social milieu par excellence Person never works alone in his corner in the medium term. It would be a burden for the company to take a person like that. So you'll always enjoy working in a team. You have been warned.
  • One should never lie: you can embellish but not lie. You never know if the person in front of you will not overlap information or ask a question about a petty odd that you put just to make beautiful language. In particular, do not cheat on the language levels. Anecdotal, knowledge is thus found one day face a perfectly Russian-HR, which forced him to take a good 10 minutes in this language ...

Attitude gesture

The attitude gesture, also called non-verbal communication (NVC or by communication consultants overpriced experts), is a key point that will read the RH experienced. Even if they do not explicitly aware, this is what will lead to tensions to give indications. I will not describe here all the non-verbal communication, it is a subject that is very broad subject of much research. I'll try to find some relevant links to support what I say on occasion.
Without going into details, we can pay attention to some actions. Do not give the impression of wanting to go to the toilet. Exercise stress and nervousness, for example by grinding his fingers, crossing her legs and beating up the foot, this is all a sign of lack of confidence. Care must be taken to make a stable position in the chair and do not move too. We can talk with your hands, press a detail to an explanatory sketch. Scribble a little drawing, playing with a ballpoint pen (the famous clack clack annoys), look out the window, it is better to forget. By cons, it can be interesting to watch these signs in your partner, which will be signs that your speech less interested and need to move on. Typical when you embark on technical considerations with HR ...
When your partner gives you information, it is fashionable and polished take notes. This is completely formal, you never reread, it is not serious. Anecdotally, I did not take notes before, what was once criticized me. I came out and said I had a very good memory that allowed me to remember and deliver me from this kind of tedious chores. The person took it for rudeness and asked at the second interview (one week later) it re-topo she did to me, what I was fortunately able. No need to put in that kind of situation, it is better to keep the best chance of his side and make a small effort of writing. Plan to take this objective a pen and pen emergency. Nothing worse than the pen that decides not to run during maintenance. If like me you do not write that in ink, a second pen and / or replacement cartridges are even more important.

How to Dress

For men, it is difficult to cut a suit and tie, especially for a first interview (HR). Depending on the field, we can afford more or less fancy, but still reasonable. To the bank or business defense, prefer a dark suit, white shirt, tie sober. Industry tolerate more easily colored shirts or light suit. In winter, always prefer a dark suit. Warning me not dress too warm. The shirt must be long (if not, it shows and it is not elegant), except in summer. For cons, the conveniences that make offices are heated and you will not be asking your jacket, it is better to avoid a pure thick winter wool. After testing room conf not conditioned in summer (with many PC and barco), I can say that it is really important to not get too hot ... At the shirt, choose one in which you are comfortable and where you can close the last button. If she squeezes the shot, you will not be comfortable. The same goes for pants. Be careful not to fall into the opposite extreme: it is a job interview, not a concours d'elegance. So we forget the tie clips and other gadgets. Much attention is paid, we forget the white socks, it is believed to take a handkerchief (pocket right is important) or a pack of tissues with a tissue out in the pocket (it will).
From what I know, it's a little less formal for women representatives. Framework for jobs, the tailor is recommended, with a "small pull to 10F during the sales" or a blouse. For such jobs summer job in a trendy clothing store, you arrive in a suit against burn through while little low waist pants and little top so cute be so much more in the online store. So remember to adjust the holding area.
This is obvious, but it is better to think of washing, combing hair (or cut so that it looks like something), brush your teeth. In short, nothing very original. Especially not abuse the fragrance: a discreet touch, why not, but nothing worse than an interview wondering when we will be able to open the window and breathe. It is also best to avoid too much jewelry lights.

How to prepare

If I said earlier that there was no point in unnecessary stress, however I wish to say that maintenance is seriously prepared. Its smooth depends mainly on your preparation and what you expected (and which will not surprise you). We must see a recruiter side, the purpose of the interview is to put yourself in stressful situations and gauge your reactions to certain endpoints. As everyone does not lie with aplomb snake, so it is better not to get caught.
The first point concerns the company itself. It's simple, try to learn as much as possible: fields distributions subsidiaries, international presence, financial results ... The interest is twofold: when HR will ask you if you know the company, you can answer yes and make the speech in its place, which will convince your motivation and rest. The second will be used to avoid saying inappropriate things in context. The most classic is "I love languages, working in conjunction with an alien does not scare me" brings "You know, we are a company of French defense and our only client is the Ministry of the Interior." It also .., it's lived and in this case, you know that it is not worth coming back! To find sources of info, nothing more simple: the website of the company (if read between the lines, it is full of interesting information), Google News (for news updates), the financial report if the company is publicly traded ... The idea is to avoid that a sub domain of the box please terribly when he is losing speed or being sold ...
If you are applying for a position in an international company, try to learn the key words of your CV in the languages ​​you speak. You worked in the aircraft and you do not know it says Flugzeugin German, you will lose a lot of time in circumlocutions and go for someone unhelpful. The ideal is to have your resume in all languages ​​that are spoken, as it allows a replay to be immediately in the bath.